Teisingi atsakymai paryškinti.

1. Žodžių vertimas į lietuvių kalbą:

1. a mug / to mug
a) purvas
b) žmogžudystė
c) didelis puodelis kavai / arbatai
d) apiplėšti smurtaujant

2. a fine / fine
a) bauda
b) suomis
c) gerai/puikiai
d) finalas

3. a barrister
a) žmogžudys
b) barjeras
c) advokatas
d) bebras

4. guilty
a) giljotina
b) gilė
c) kalėjimas
d) kaltas

5. a crowd
a) karūna
b) krioklys
c) minia
d) grūstis

6. a bachelor
a) bakalauras
b) pabrolys
c) jaunikis
d) viengungis, senbernis

7. birth
a) gimtadienis
b) vonia
c) gimimas
d) paukštis

8. sympathetic
a) patrauklus
b) užjaučiantis
c) patetiškas
d) vulgarus

9. a wallet
a) valetas
b) piniginė
c) siena
d) velvetas

10. a discount
a) nokautas
b) diskusija
c) skaičiuoti
d) nuolaida

2. Aukštesnysis ir aukščiausiasis būdvardžių laipsnis:

a) talltallerthe tallest
b) interestingmore interestingthe most interesting
c) fastfasterthe fastest
d) goodbetterthe best
e) dangerousmore dangerousthe most dangerous
f) farfurther/fartherthe furthest / the farthest
g) richricherthe richest
h) badworsethe worst
i)  youngyoungerthe youngest
j) prettyprettierthe prettiest
k) excitingmore excitingthe most exciting
l) dirtydirtierthe dirtiest
m) curiousmore curiousthe most curious
n) poorpoorerthe poorest
o) drydrierthe driest

3. Būdvardžiai – prieveiksmiai:
a) hard – hard
b) fresh – freshly
c) beautiful – beautifully
d) easy – easily
e) nice – nicely
f) quiet – quietly
g) early – early
h) soft – softly
i) fast – fast
j) quick – quickly
k) simple – simply
l) good – well
m) strong – strongly
n) bad – badly
o) slow – slowly

4. Teigiamuose ir neigiamuose sakiniuose būtojo laiko veiksmažodžių teisinga forma:
a) They arrived here many years ago.
b) My sister didn‘t drive fast.
c) We could afford to buy a new house.
d) My parents were on holiday in Spain.
e) In the museum we saw a lot of people.
f) There weren‘t a lot of people on the beach.
g) She wasn‘t ready to go.
h) I liked the film The Bachelor with Renee Zellweger.
i) His father 
 was born in Texas.
j) Last year people read more books.
k) She didn‘t like cooking.
l) My father couldn‘t ride a horse, when he was six.
m) Nobody believed him.
n) Miriam thought the dress was fashionable.
o) Jill was in a hurry and
forgot to take her notes.

5. Did arba was/were būtojo laiko klausimuose:
a) Did they have a good journey?
b) Were you a happy child?
c) What did you do last night?
d) Were you at your friend’s last weekend?
e) Where did she go on her holidays?
f) Why was she late?
g) Was the film interesting?
h) Where were you born?
i) How many friends did you invite to the party?
j) Did they get married last month?
k) Where did she work before?
l) Was he your classmate?
m) Who was your best friend at school?
n) Did they have a good time in Paris?
o) Where did she buy that expensive ring?

6. Ištaisytos klaidos sakiniuose:
a) We were so excited about our lessons.
b) Our team played hard and won.
c) What did you eat for lunch?
d) She will be here tomorrow.
e) What happened?
f) They spoke quietly.
g) You were right.
h) My grandparents won’t come tonight.
i) Where will he go this Sunday?
j) She’ll be ready in five minutes.
k) Were you born in America?
l) Who was a burglar?
m) Was he interested in politics?
n) Did they come yesterday?/ Will they come tomorrow/ next week?
o) The teacher gave me a book about a famous detective writer.

7. Vertimas į anglų kalbą:
a) Our neighbours will leave soon.
b) When and where were you born?
c) He wasn’t a bad boy.
d) Why were the people angry?
e) Will you marry me?
f) What fell on the floor?
g) She wasn’t ready to go.
h) Who told them the news?
i) Did you have a good relationship with the team?
j) What salary do you expect?
k) They didn’t like books.
l) Did you like riding a horse?
m) Did you get ready to the theatre?
n) The children got hungry.
o) It gets dark early in winter.

8. Idioma, atitinkanti lietuvišką teiginį:

1. Nusikaltimas nelieka neišaiškintas, o nusikaltėliai nelieka nenubausti:
a) Poverty is not a crime.
b) Partners in crime.
c) Crime doesn’t pay.

2. Būti nerangiam šokant:
a) Burn the dance floor.
b) Have two left feet.
c) Dance the night away.

3. Daugiau pinigų nei proto:
a) More money than sense.
b) A run for money.
c) It takes money to make money.

4. Ne tavo reikalas:
a) No sooner said than done .
b) None of your business.
c) It is only the first step that costs.

5. Būti devintame danguje, labai laimingu:
a) It is a poor heart that never rejoices.
b) Once in a blue moon.
c) To be over the moon.

9. Klausimai teiginiams:

a) She is the prettiest girl in a group.
What does she look like? Who is the prettiest girl in the group?

b) My mother is very caring
What is your mother like? Who is very caring?

c) They will be in London next weekend. 
Will they be in London next weekend? Where will they be next weekend? When will they be in London? Who will be in London next weekend?

d) Criminals break the law.
What do criminals break? What do criminals do? Who break the law?

e) They got married fifteen years ago.
Did they get married fifteen years ago? When did they get married? Who got married fifteen years ago?

f) Cats like lying in the sun.
Do cats like lying in the sun? What do cats like doing?

g) Our neighbours moved abroad last summer.
Did our neighbours move abroad last summer? When did our neighbours move abroad? Who moved abroad last summer?

h) My classmate told me the latest news.
Did my classmate tell me the latest news? What did my classmate tell me? What news did my classmate tell me? Who told me the latest news?

i) The train arrived on time.
Did the train arrive on time? When did the train arrive? What arrived on time?

j) Somebody will knock on the door.
Will anybody knock on the door? Who will knock on the door?

10. Neigiamieji sakiniai:

a) There aren‘t a lot of muggings in this part of town.
b) The bank robber didn‘t succeed.
c) My colleague doesn‘t speak fluent English.
d) The chief won‘t make a decision tomorrow.
e) She didn‘t speak softly into her boyfriend‘s ear.
f) Our team didn‘t win.
g) The manager didn‘t tell us to work harder.
h) She didn‘t pretend asleep.
i) The burglar didn‘t try to get into the house.
j) He didn‘t expect more customers.
k) My cousin didn‘t borrow ten books from the school library.
l) He didn‘t need any help.
m) They weren‘t tired after the journey.
n) The chief won‘t be in the office in an hour.
o) The police weren‘t strict.

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